Uncategorized Archive

  • Chronicles of a fresh working graduate

    Its 5am. I snap out of my bed, hurriedly head for the kitchen to make my self-lunch for the day. As I tiptop through the corridor not to awaken anyone, my mind can’t think of anything more weird than waking up early when everyone is […]

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  • Dare yourself to Suceed:

    Have you ever thought of yourself as the master of all time? Well, the English man crafted the saying that to be a jack of all trades is to be a master of none. But people like Sudhir have gone against these odds and excelled […]

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  • Phone Etiquette

    Hello, hello, yes ill meet you at home…. beans will do… a man shouting into the phone and all heads turning  to the man to see what is going on……… as basic as phone usage may be, it’s amazing how we usually get it sometimes […]

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  • Do you really need that Master’s degree?

    A friend of mine graduated with a degree in Business Administration, and followed it with a Masters in International business. But despite her outstanding academic background, she is still finding it difficult to get a job. “Things are very tough out there” she says. “I […]

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  • Foresee the future through goal setting.

    A familiar saying in today’s world states that life is what you make it. Guatam Buddha said that ‘all that we are is a result of what we thought; it is founded on our thoughts; it is made up of our thoughts.’ Therefore a person […]

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  • Gone are the days when.

    How time flies and how things change! Yes, it has not been half a decade since most of us were still little ones but there is just so much to reminisce about. The music, the dances, the school life, the food, the way of dressing, […]

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  • Work on your staff-boss relations for better business

    Being a good boss, one that is motivational to the employees, is good for business. Gina Michel, while responding to the question, “How good is a good boss?” summed it this way: “A good boss means everything. Sometimes we as bosses forget that. A good […]

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  • Manchester United 8 Arsenal 2

    Hold on just a minute before you lose interest in reading this, this is not about football infact, it’s about the things we have to go through all life long, it’s about what you do when life has given you a beating and you don’t […]

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  • Top 10 ways to Show Confidence with Body Language

    They say a picture is worth a thousand words; now picture yourself, approaching a woman or a prospective client, walking into a board meeting or a party. How do you look? What message do you communicate the moment you walk into a room? What are […]

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  • 5 Ways to Create Thoughtful Content on Facebook, Twitter and Your Blog

    I recently came across a question on one of the facebook pages, Davis Musinguzi, had this to ask: “What tips may you have for someone starting a blog?” Another person had this to write: “Facebook is not a mourning/whining/fighting ground…. Enough said…!” This might seem […]

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