Lifestyle Archive

  • What size are you?

      As  we all know our beloved friends, sisters, brothers ,boyfriends, girlfriends are coming back from whatever country they are UK, USA name it, for the festive season and they usually bring us stuff inclusive of clothing. I have had a problem with this, usually […]

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  • Chronicles of a fresh working graduate

    Its 5am. I snap out of my bed, hurriedly head for the kitchen to make my self-lunch for the day. As I tiptop through the corridor not to awaken anyone, my mind can’t think of anything more weird than waking up early when everyone is […]

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  • Why you need to exercise

    Why you need to exercise

    Ever felt tired and lousy in the morning when you should be on top of your game? You shouldn’t! That is if you exercise regularly. Exercise makes sure your body’s internal systems are in great shape and able to help the body to do what […]

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  • What to Wear on a Date: How to Make a Good First Impression with a Stylish by Johneen Manning

    What to Wear on a Date: How to Make a Good First Impression with a Stylish by Johneen Manning

    First dates offer a chance to meet someone who could potentially become your lover, boyfriend or (even) husband – no wonder it can be so difficult deciding what to wear! Make your first impression a positive one by captivating your date with a warm smile […]

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  • What to Wear for your next presentation

    What to Wear for your next presentation

    In any situation you have only 90 seconds to create that a good first impression. Research shows that 93% of the impact of a first impression is formed on non-verbal communication i.e. how we speak and how we look and behave. So as you stand […]

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  • Crazy Things Women Do On Facebook by Emily Miller

    Crazy Things Women Do On Facebook by Emily Miller

    The Facebook phenomenon has allowed you to reconnect with your best friend from elementary school, keep up with your buddy’s travels and get out of hours-long phone conversations with your aunt. It truly is a remarkable tool. However, as with most things, there is a […]

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  • Five Annoying Things Guys Do on Facebook by Christie Griffin

    Five Annoying Things Guys Do on Facebook by Christie Griffin

    Recently, our buddies over at listed the “Crazy Things Women Do on Facebook”. They made some valid points — okay, okay, we can be a little passive-aggressive with our status updates — but some men are guilty of bad FB behavior too. Here, five […]

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  • What Not to Wear to Work

    What Not to Wear to Work

    Whether the organization has an employee dress code or not; there are some clothing items that are not appropriate to wear in any organization regardless of the policy. At work, you interact with people on a professional basis. If what you wear to work is […]

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  • Can love blossom in a txt message by Amanda Pressner

    Can love blossom in a txt message by Amanda Pressner

    While men primarily use texting as a tool for managing their relationships, women often view messaging as another way to foster emotional interaction. A majority of couples probably wouldn’t attempt to take their relationship to the next level via wireless communication, a growing number of […]

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  • Buliding Self Confidence

    Buliding Self Confidence

    Self-confidence is extremely important in almost every aspect of our lives, yet so many people struggle to find it. Self-confidence is an attitude which allows individuals to have positive yet realistic views of themselves and their situations. Confident people trust their own abilities, have a […]

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