Info Archive

  • Phone Etiquette

    Hello, hello, yes ill meet you at home…. beans will do… a man shouting into the phone and all heads turning  to the man to see what is going on……… as basic as phone usage may be, it’s amazing how we usually get it sometimes […]

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  • Do you really need that Master’s degree?

    A friend of mine graduated with a degree in Business Administration, and followed it with a Masters in International business. But despite her outstanding academic background, she is still finding it difficult to get a job. “Things are very tough out there” she says. “I […]

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  • Foresee the future through goal setting.

    A familiar saying in today’s world states that life is what you make it. Guatam Buddha said that ‘all that we are is a result of what we thought; it is founded on our thoughts; it is made up of our thoughts.’ Therefore a person […]

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  • The Old skool Reunion gig brings out the kid in us

    Cover Story in The Observer Written by Shifa Mwesigye Wednesday, 19 October 2011 21:32 Watching NBS TV’s Joy Doreen Biira’s well manicured fingers sweep and caress the ground as she played Duulu (think of pool without the cue sticks, fancy balls or table) with the […]

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  • Gone are the days when.

    How time flies and how things change! Yes, it has not been half a decade since most of us were still little ones but there is just so much to reminisce about. The music, the dances, the school life, the food, the way of dressing, […]

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  • How to make a wise decision that works for you.

    In the working world, any one will always be confronted with lots of ideas. These are trailed along with exploits of advices from different people. The English man says that two heads are better than one and so we all need direction. However, not all […]

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  • Work on your staff-boss relations for better business

    Being a good boss, one that is motivational to the employees, is good for business. Gina Michel, while responding to the question, “How good is a good boss?” summed it this way: “A good boss means everything. Sometimes we as bosses forget that. A good […]

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  • Old Skool Reunion!!! Why you should not miss it!

    Perhaps the commonest adage of all time is: “All work and no play make Jack a dull boy” and like all adages, this one has got a whole truth in it. Several research findings show that people who work, work and do more work without […]

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  • Tips on writing professional email

    I know what you are thinking! you are probably thinking that who doesn’t know how to write a simple email, check this out you may be surprised on how you have defaulted on these simple Dos and Don’ts on writing professional email. Subject: do not […]

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  • Top 10 ways to Show Confidence with Body Language

    They say a picture is worth a thousand words; now picture yourself, approaching a woman or a prospective client, walking into a board meeting or a party. How do you look? What message do you communicate the moment you walk into a room? What are […]

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