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  • Win Office Space at the ASK THE ENTREPRENEUR forum

              Win Office Space at the ASK THE ENTREPRENEUR Forum In conjunction with The 360° Network, Mara Foundation is offering an opportunity for you to win Office Space and mentoring support at the Mara Launchpad and Innovation Centre. To participate in […]

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  • Here are the entrepreneurs you will be asking!

    Ask the Entrepreneur Forum is a transformational experience and business networking opportunity for results-focused start-up entrepreneurs and business leaders. It is a platform for sharing new ideas, best practices and trends that are shaping the future of successful business in Uganda.. This year’s discussion will […]

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  • Ask the Entrepreneur forum 2012: Business Clinic coaches Unplugged!

    Before we go into the details of  who these people are, let me tell what they will be doing. As we have already eastablished, this year ask the Entrepreneur forum is not only going to be about talking to Top Entrepreneur, Its going to entail […]

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    Theme: How to grow a successful business by attracting profitable customers. Ask the Entrepreneur Forum is a transformational experience and business networking opportunity for results-focused start-up entrepreneurs and business leaders. It is a platform for sharing new ideas, best practices and trends that are shaping […]

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  • 10 Things you can do while you’re Unemployed

    Although this survey was not done in Uganda, this does not mean that unemployed youths in Uganda cannot relate to some of the surveys done here and solutions provided. Please read and enjoy If you’re unemployed and worried that employers will turn you down for […]

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  • How To Identify A Good Network Marketing Opportunity

    With the current economic crisis the idea of making money real quick sounds quite attractive. Some network marketing companies might just take advantage of this distribution system to make people think they can make it big without any specialized training and without making any major […]

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  • Understanding The Concept Of Network Marketing

    Network marketing is a business model by which a company distributes its products or services through a network of independent distributors using direct selling. The other terms for network marketing are multi level marketing or referral marketing. Network marketing is yet another form of sales and […]

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  • What more can you do on social media than just making friends?

    Why did you join face book or twitter or linked in or even Skype and other social media? Was it a bang wagon feeling or you had a purpose? Was the purpose to catch up with old friends and family? Did you know that those […]

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  • Cover letter writing tips for students & fresh graduates

    Cover letter writing tips for students & fresh graduates

    If you’re in your last years of college or a new graduate, first up on your priority list will be getting a full time job. There are many tactics to use for marketing your employment skills but sending out cover letters and resumes are the […]

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