With the current economic crisis the idea of making money real quick sounds quite attractive. Some network marketing companies might just take advantage of this distribution system to make people think they can make it big without any specialized training and without making any major investment.
However there is the flip side of the coin. How do you know which network marketing company is genuine? Will you really make the kind of money they claim you can make? How do you know it is not a scam?
If you want to become financially successful through network marketing, you need to join a company that is dependable and able to guarantee that success for you. As such, there are key qualities you need to look out for in order to determine whether that particular network marketing company is worth your time and money.
Product A good network marketing company should have a legal product(s) on sale; a product that is world class; a product that is unique, one that cannot be found on the open market; a product that will improve the quality of your life; a product that will give you value for money; a product that you believe in and one that you can vouch for. When a company deals in high quality products, then its distributors get to sell products that provide real value to their customers; and when the consumers are happy about the products they in turn become distributors of the same products. Alternatively, the customers become passionate about the products and will continue to purchase them even if they are not directly involved in the company. A valuable product is the pillar of any successful company because it is what improves the lives of the consumers. It is only valuable products that people will continuously purchase.
Compensation plan The compensation plan should be uniform; making it possible for anyone to become successful at whatever level they join the business. This means that the company pays a good percentage of sales back to distributors. Low-level distributors get compensated fairly and not all the money is reserved for the top distributors.
Training This is very important in creating successful distributors. The training should specifically teach all the skills necessary for one to excel at network marketing. The training activities includes how to sell the products to consumers; get those consumers to like the products; sponsor them and work with them to train them, so that they in turn can train others. It also includes how to introduce a prospect to the business; what to say to prospects and how to treat them. It is the training that most directly affects the activities of the distributors. It is the training that transforms a distributor into an effective network marketer. Any company that is willing to train their people is more likely to do better than those companies which do not emphasize training. An effective network marketing training process must include everything a person needs to succeed.
Duplicity A good network marketing company must have a system that is duplicable. Most people join network marketing with no idea about what to do in order to grow their business. So they need a system that will not only guarantee them success but one that they can easily teach others and get them to succeed as well. So everyone joining the business follows the same process that has made their sponsors successful. So when you join a network marketing business your sponsor needs to provide a duplicable marketing and sponsoring system that you can use and afterwards provide to the people you will bring into the business.
Customer care Everyone wants to be associated with a company that offers good customer care. People who talk to you politely; treat you as a friend/colleague; ask you how you are; return your phone calls and e-mail as quickly as possible; work with you when you are stuck and then provide solutions to get you sorted out and consequently prepare you to work hard and succeed as well.
Research A good network marketing company will reinvent itself by opening in new countries and creating new and better products. It will invest in the research of new and better products in order to get wider market penetration.
Location A genuine network marketing company has physical headquarter-address, a website and a support group that can handle all inquiries. There is a track record of the company‘s success. It must have been in existence for at least five years. It must be continuously spreading to other countries and its membership must be international.
So when joining a network marketing company, make sure you are adequately informed. Although many people have made a lot of money in network marketing, many more have wasted their time and money chasing fantasies. Ensure your success by finding the right network marketing opportunity!