Inspiration Archive

  • Cover letter writing tips for students & fresh graduates

    Cover letter writing tips for students & fresh graduates

    If you’re in your last years of college or a new graduate, first up on your priority list will be getting a full time job. There are many tactics to use for marketing your employment skills but sending out cover letters and resumes are the […]

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  • The 360° Network to launch The 360° Campus on 22 March 2012

    The 360° Campus is an initiative to help university students prepare for the successful transition from school to the work place. Our mission is to provide career enhancing skills through initiatives that bring campus students in touch with mentors, employers and interest groups to interact, […]

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  • Chronicles of a fresh working graduate

    Its 5am. I snap out of my bed, hurriedly head for the kitchen to make my self-lunch for the day. As I tiptop through the corridor not to awaken anyone, my mind can’t think of anything more weird than waking up early when everyone is […]

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  • How four brands manage their wildly successful Facebook pages

        Social media managers dream of having an audience of millions. We think of how amazing it would be to have legions of engaged fans commenting, liking and sharing our brilliant posts while sitting back and watching the fan base swell.For some brands, this […]

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  • 9 tips to manage your files better

    You work with documents, presentations, graphics, and other files all day—and chances are, you have a lot of them. That means it takes some time to find the documents you need. Even if it’s just a couple of minutes here and a couple of minutes […]

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  • Good personal hygiene, an easy way to impress at work.

    If you have been at your workplace for some time now, it’s very easy to imagine this. Do you have a colleague or a boss commonly known for their poor dress code or bad breathe or even body odor among other poor hygiene indicators? They […]

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  • Un employment: how to market one’ self.

    When I look at the current rate of unemployment in Uganda today, I can’t help but wonder how government and those blamed for the rising unemployment levels will solve this rising problem. Each year, several universities award thousands of students with degrees and yet there […]

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  • Dare yourself to Suceed:

    Have you ever thought of yourself as the master of all time? Well, the English man crafted the saying that to be a jack of all trades is to be a master of none. But people like Sudhir have gone against these odds and excelled […]

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  • Happy Holidays

    Happy Holidays

    Every end of year, we take time to reflect and appreciate the people that make all the difference and help us successfully deliver on our promise. Because of your support, 2011 has been a very successful year. On 25th January 2011, we hosted the 360° […]

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  • How to professionally handle criticism

    Criticism is a vital aspect to career development. However, many of us are closed off to because truth be told, it is hurtful. It reminds us that we are imperfect, a fact that most of us want to forget. However, because it is important for […]

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