Walk with us down memory lane...be at the Oldskool reunion 5 December 2009, Kampala Rugby Club Grounds
On the 5th of December 2009, we shall make history! We have partnered with Silk Events, Red Pepper,Nile Breweries, Fireworks Advertising (and others to be announced) to mobilize all of Kampala and take you to an all day Outdoor Event at Kampala Rugby Grounds that takes you down oldskoolmemory lane to meet your oldskoolmates, share oldskoolvibes and play oldskoolgames while listening to oldskoolmusic.
The 360° Oldskool Reunion shall be an annual event to meet interact and reminisce about the good oldskool times.
Participants will engage in oldskool games, mock debates,assemblies songs as well as listen and dance to old school music by old school entertainers.
We also are lining up a couple of surprise performances.
You will want to be there!
Please SAVE THE DATE and join us to make history!
Reserve your place for this event here
Follow us for updates on Twitter
Help us to plan successfully!
In order to plan a successful reunion, we need your help. We would like to prepare stalls where you can meet your Old friends. To do this:
i) We need the name of the Nursery, Primary, Secondary School College or University you attended and would like to be associated with at the reunion.
ii) We would also like to contact your Old schools and Solidarity Associations if any. You may give us their contacts to help mobilise.
Please send us an email: reunion@the360network.com or call us.
Carol-0701565876 and Gloria-0759900070
Thank you.
We cant wait for 5 December 2009!
Am totally in love with this! its suprising hw the best things come later in life.
Keep it up guys
Uganda Telecom wants to be part of this?how do we do it?