Author Archive

  • What to Wear on a Date: How to Make a Good First Impression with a Stylish by Johneen Manning

    What to Wear on a Date: How to Make a Good First Impression with a Stylish by Johneen Manning

    First dates offer a chance to meet someone who could potentially become your lover, boyfriend or (even) husband – no wonder it can be so difficult deciding what to wear! Make your first impression a positive one by captivating your date with a warm smile […]

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  • What to Wear for your next presentation

    What to Wear for your next presentation

    In any situation you have only 90 seconds to create that a good first impression. Research shows that 93% of the impact of a first impression is formed on non-verbal communication i.e. how we speak and how we look and behave. So as you stand […]

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  • Crazy Things Women Do On Facebook by Emily Miller

    Crazy Things Women Do On Facebook by Emily Miller

    The Facebook phenomenon has allowed you to reconnect with your best friend from elementary school, keep up with your buddy’s travels and get out of hours-long phone conversations with your aunt. It truly is a remarkable tool. However, as with most things, there is a […]

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  • Five Annoying Things Guys Do on Facebook by Christie Griffin

    Five Annoying Things Guys Do on Facebook by Christie Griffin

    Recently, our buddies over at listed the “Crazy Things Women Do on Facebook”. They made some valid points — okay, okay, we can be a little passive-aggressive with our status updates — but some men are guilty of bad FB behavior too. Here, five […]

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  • How to Deal with Difficult Co-Workers by H.Clare Callow

    How to Deal with Difficult Co-Workers by H.Clare Callow

    Dealing with difficult people at work is like dealing with them in any other aspect of life: the best way is to do it calmly and in an adult manner. Taking time to reflect and decide on positive action increases the likelihood of a good […]

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  • The Power of Positive Thinking by Remez Sasson

    The Power of Positive Thinking by Remez Sasson

    Positive thinking is a mental attitude that admits into the mind thoughts, words and images that are conductive to growth, expansion and success. It is a mental attitude that expects good and favorable results. Not everyone accepts or believes in positive thinking. Some consider the […]

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  • Web Biz Africa Limited: A Gateway to connect Africa in one web portal.

    Web Biz Africa Limited: A Gateway to connect Africa in one web portal.

    Web Biz Africa Ltd is a registered Information Technology company based in Kampala, Uganda, East Africa. It was founded in 2002 by a team of experienced IT professionals with the aim of providing high quality Information Technology services. Web Biz Africa Ltd provides the most […]

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  • Best Laptops and Desktops of 2010 by Digital Trends

    Best Laptops and Desktops of 2010 by Digital Trends

    Whether you’re looking to surf from an ultralight netbook at your favorite coffee shop, tear into opponents on a gaming PC, or edit family videos on a touch-friendly all-in-one desktop, this year’s crop of laptops and desktops offers a bounty of power and flexibility at […]

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  • Building Self-Estem: A Self-Help Guide

    Building Self-Estem: A Self-Help Guide

    Webster’s defines self-esteem as: belief in oneself; self-respect. This meaning can be expanded to include terms like self-confidence and pride. Self-esteem is the combination of self-confidence and respect . Self-esteem is the way you talk to yourself about yourself and loving yourself. People with high […]

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  • What Not to Wear to Work

    What Not to Wear to Work

    Whether the organization has an employee dress code or not; there are some clothing items that are not appropriate to wear in any organization regardless of the policy. At work, you interact with people on a professional basis. If what you wear to work is […]

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