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Become a better Manager!-Check out this Management Tip of the Day Collection-HarvardBusiness.org
Posted on September 1, 2009 | No CommentsREAD ARTICLE HERE -
How to Become an Authentic Speaker-Nick Morgan-Harvardbusiness.org
Posted on August 24, 2009 | No CommentsYou rehearsed your speech thoroughly—and mastered that all-important body language. But when you delivered the talk, you sensed little enthusiasm in your audience. What’s going on? You’re probably coming across as artificial. The reason: When we rehearse specific body language elements, we use them incorrectly during the actual speech—slightly after speaking the associated words. Listeners feel something’s wrong,... -
Excelling at What You Do -Rick Warren-Purposedriven.com
Posted on August 24, 2009 | No CommentsIn our Devotionals series, Pastor Rick Warren discusses the Bible passages that inspire him the most. Today's Devotional is based on this passage: “Whatever you do, work at it with all your heart, as though you were working for the Lord and not for people” (Colossians 3:23 TEV). During the 2008 Summer Olympics, Michael Phelps gave us an extraordinary display of the pursuit of excellence. But the truth is every athlete in the Olympics pursues excellence as peak performers in their categories of competition. -
Follow the 360° Network on Twitter
Posted on August 24, 2009 | No CommentsEveryday we post links to life-changing information on our Twitter profile. Be sure to follow us and keep posted on the fly! -
4 Tips for a Résumé that survives scrutiny-HarvardBusiness.org
Posted on August 24, 2009 | No Comments"With more jobs being lost than created these days, a résumé really needs to stand out. Use these four tips to boost your résumé's chance of survival." Is your CV worth the paper it's printed on (ed)? -
How the Best of the Best Get Better and Better-Graham Jones-HarvardBusiness.org
Posted on August 24, 2009 | No CommentsUntil 1954, most people believed that a human being was incapable of running a mile in less than four minutes. But that very year, English miler Roger Bannister proved them wrong. “Doctors and scientists said that breaking the four-minute mile was impossible, that one would die in the attempt,” Bannister is reported to have said afterward. “Thus, when I got up from the track after collapsing at the finish line, I figured I was dead.” Which goes to show that in sports, as in business, the main obstacle to achieving “the impossible” may be a self-limiting mind-set. -
An 18-Minute Plan for Managing Your Day – Peter Bregman – HarvardBusiness.org
Posted on August 24, 2009 | No CommentsYesterday started with the best of intentions. I walked into my office in the morning with a vague sense of what I wanted to accomplish. Then I sat down, turned on my computer, and checked my email. Two hours later, after fighting several fires, solving other people's problems, and dealing with whatever happened to be thrown at me through my computer and phone, I could hardly remember what I had set out to accomplish when I first turned on my computer. I'd been ambushed. And I know better. -
Welcome to the virtual home of the 360° Network!
Posted on August 4, 2009 | 6 CommentsOur website is currently under construction but we think that this temporary site will help you gain insight into our vision and objectives. You are welcome to join the 360° Network Group on Facebook. -
The 360° Network Launch
Posted on August 4, 2009 | No CommentsIt’s official: The 360° Network will be officially launched on 7th August 2009. Esteemed 360° Network members, It’s OFFICIAL ! The 360° Network will go LIVE at a Cocktail on Friday 07.08.09, 6 PM at Nanjing Restaurant, Plot 15 Impala Avenue, Kololo. The first 100 […]